Zed's Pistol

Zed's Log

A few brief glimpses regarding the character 'Zed' from the impending web series, "Heroiquest". More specifically, his pistol. The intention for this piece, much like 'Darth Zorn', was to be a semi-unholy Anti-Hero, with some sinister tones, while retaining a bit of an under-dog charisma.

The initial pen and pencil sketch, durring a Crestfire meeting where the very team prioritized each character, and their trademarks.

After discussing our inspirations, and selecting a starting point, Zane used Illustrator to make a scale prototype image.

Taking the initial Illustrator file, Michael created a 3D model in Google Sketch-Up to get a feel for the mass and dimensions otherwise not annotated.

After several iterations (Not pictured here to save your time!) we managed to create a 'Master' made of PVC, wood, and ApoxySculpt.

Once the 'Master' is made, and finalized, it is painted with primer and sanded. Profusely. Eventually, it will be sealed, and coated in a mold release.

With a practice cylinder to test-fit, and provide visual references.

The prepped Master is then molded...(Again, a few steps not show, because we like to save time!)

The end result of our molding; two pretty, pink halves!

After casting with Aluminum Powder in the mix, and doing a brief polish to give it a soft sheen, we decided to also use some plasti-dip on the handle for added texture and grip. The Cylinder included is simple dowel rod, and some caps, for visual aid and practice. (More to follow on the exact cylinder specifics!)

 Zane Unverzagt in PIECES of the Zed costume, holding a black version of the pistol. The other color variations will still be used, but Zed's pistol needed an 'Unholy' feel.

 The final version of Zed's Pistol, sans Cylinder! Genuine leather wrapped around the handle, and a bit of dry wash paint in both black and red, with various levels of intensity and sanding. The aluminum powder still shows through in the high-wear points, but the black and red give various strengths depending on the lighting.

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